iCareBetter – The road to transparency in endometriosis care.
In this day and age anyone with a social media account and a medical degree (hopefully) can proclaim themselves to be endometriosis specialists. Sharing a couple of instagram posts about excision does not an endometriosis specialist make! The concept of “fake it till you make it” can have drastic consequences if applied to the field of medicine. Lack of training to correctly identify and remove all disease is going to subject patients to expensive and unnecessary revolving door surgeries not to mention the tremendous morbidity and increased complications associated with repeated surgeries.
Endometriosis patients are some of the most well informed patients (better informed than some doctors more often than not) and now have wonderful resources available to them online to find the right specialist and make informed decisions about the correct treatments for their condition. iCareBetter is leading the charge with this movement to help patients find the right care provider.
I am honoured to join the elite and growing group of #endometriosis surgeons after being vetted by double blinded peer review and to lead the charge as the first vetted endometriosis specialist in Mumbai, India, Asia and the Middle East.
We are painfully aware of the lack of quality care for endometriosis not only in our part of the world , but all over the 🌎.
This platform is a step toward offering transparency in treatment and I for one am honoured to have put my work up for review to be able to offer my patients quality care of an international standard.
For a long time, patients have been paying with their flesh, blood, body, time, and money to go through multiple trials and errors before finding a doctor who can actually help them. Now @icarebetter have developed a platform that puts patients first by offering vetted doctors and an easy way to find and contact them. We have been extremely fortunate and lucky that patients see incredible value in our work and they are trusting us.
We invite doctors to earn patients’ trust by putting themselves to review and continuous scrutiny, and I believe that patients’ trust and confidence are the extreme levels of value that a doctor will get by putting themselves up for peer review and vetting process.